Index of all elements
[ a ]
[ b ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ f ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ k ]
[ l ]
[ m ]
[ n ]
[ o ]
[ p ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ u ]
[ v ]
[ w ]
[ x ]
[ y ]
[ z ]
[ _ ]
- $AliasNbPages
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$AliasNbPages
- $author
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$author
- $AutoPageBreak
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$AutoPageBreak
- AcceptPageBreak
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AcceptPageBreak()
Whenever a page break condition is met, the method is called, and the break is issued or not depending on the returned value.
- addExtGState
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::addExtGState()
- AddFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AddFont()
Imports a TrueType, Type1, core, or CID0 font and makes it available.
- addHtmlLink
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::addHtmlLink()
Output anchor link.
- addHTMLVertSpace
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::addHTMLVertSpace()
Add vertical spaces if needed.
- AddLink
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AddLink()
Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. An internal link is a clickable area which directs to another place within the document. The identifier can then be passed to Cell(), Write(), Image() or Link(). The destination is defined with SetLink().
- AddPage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AddPage()
Adds a new page to the document. If a page is already present, the Footer() method is called first to output the footer. Then the page is added, the current position set to the top-left corner according to the left and top margins, and Header() is called to display the header.
- AddSpotColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AddSpotColor()
Defines a new spot color.
- AliasNbPages
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::AliasNbPages()
Defines an alias for the total number of pages. It will be substituted as the document is closed.
- Annotation
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Annotation()
Puts a text annotation on a rectangular area of the page.
- arrUTF8ToUTF16BE
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::arrUTF8ToUTF16BE()
Converts array of UTF-8 characters to UTF16-BE string.
- $barcode
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$barcode
- $barcode_array
- in file barcodes.php, variable TCPDFBarcode::$barcode_array
- $bgcolor
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$bgcolor
- $bMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$bMargin
- $buffer
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$buffer
- barcodes.php
- procedural page barcodes.php
- barcode_c128
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_c128()
C128 barcodes.
- barcode_codabar
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_codabar()
CODABAR barcodes.
- barcode_code39
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_code39()
- barcode_ean13
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_ean13()
EAN13 and UPC-A barcodes.
- barcode_i25
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_i25()
Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes.
- barcode_postnet
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::barcode_postnet()
POSTNET barcodes.
- Bookmark
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Bookmark()
- Button
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Button()
- $cell_height_ratio
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$cell_height_ratio
Default cell height ratio.
- $cMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$cMargin
- $ColorFlag
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ColorFlag
- $compress
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$compress
- $CoreFonts
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$CoreFonts
- $creator
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$creator
- $CurOrientation
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$CurOrientation
- $CurrentFont
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$CurrentFont
- $currpagegroup
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$currpagegroup
Contains the alias of the current page group
- Cell
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Cell()
Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line. It is possible to put a link on the text. If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done before outputting.
- CheckBox
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::CheckBox()
- checkPageBreak
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::checkPageBreak()
Add page if needed.
- checksum_code39
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::checksum_code39()
Calculate CODE 39 checksum (modulo 43).
- Circle
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Circle()
Draws a circle.
- Clip
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Clip()
Set a rectangular clipping area.
- Close
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Close()
Terminates the PDF document. It is not necessary to call this method explicitly because Output() does it automatically. If the document contains no page, AddPage() is called to prevent from getting an invalid document.
- closeHTMLTagHandler
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::closeHTMLTagHandler()
Process closing tags.
- ComboBox
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ComboBox()
- convertHTMLColorToDec
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec()
Returns an associative array (keys: R,G,B) from an html color name or a six-digit or three-digit hexadecimal color representation (i.e. #3FE5AA or #7FF).
- CoonsPatchMesh
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::CoonsPatchMesh()
Paints a coons patch mesh.
- Curve
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Curve()
Draws a Bezier curve.
- $encoding
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$encoding
- $encrypted
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$encrypted
Indicates whether document is protected
- $encryption_key
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$encryption_key
RC4 encryption key
- $enc_obj_id
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$enc_obj_id
encryption object id
- $endlinex
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$endlinex
End position of the latest inserted line
- $epsmarker
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$epsmarker
String used to mark the beginning and end of EPS image blocks
- $extgstates
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$extgstates
Array of transparency objects and parameters.
- Ellipse
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Ellipse()
Draws an ellipse.
- encode_code39_ext
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::encode_code39_ext()
Encode a string to be used for CODE 39 Extended mode.
- Error
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Error()
This method is automatically called in case of fatal error; it simply outputs the message and halts the execution. An inherited class may override it to customize the error handling but should always halt the script, or the resulting document would probably be invalid.
- $fgcolor
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$fgcolor
- $fhPt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$fhPt
- $FillColor
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FillColor
- $FontAscent
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontAscent
- $FontDescent
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontDescent
- $FontFamily
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontFamily
- $FontFiles
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontFiles
- $fontlist
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$fontlist
- $fonts
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$fonts
- $FontSize
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontSize
- $FontSizePt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontSizePt
- $FontStyle
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$FontStyle
- $footerlen
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$footerlen
Array used to store footer lenght of each page.
- $footerpos
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$footerpos
Array used to store footer positions of each page.
- $footer_font
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$footer_font
- $footer_margin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$footer_margin
- $fwPt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$fwPt
- Footer
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Footer()
This method is used to render the page footer.
- $gradients
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$gradients
Array for storing gradient information.
- GetAbsX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetAbsX()
Returns the absolute X value of current position.
- getAliasNbPages
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getAliasNbPages()
Returns the string alias used for the total number of pages.
- GetArrStringWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetArrStringWidth()
Returns the string length of an array of chars in user unit. A font must be selected.
- getBarcode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getBarcode()
Get current barcode.
- getBarcodeArray
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::getBarcodeArray()
Return an array representations of barcode.
- getBreakMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getBreakMargin()
Returns the page break margin.
- getCellCode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getCellCode()
Returns the PDF string code to print a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. The upper-left corner of the cell corresponds to the current position. The text can be aligned or centered. After the call, the current position moves to the right or to the next line. It is possible to put a link on the text. If automatic page breaking is enabled and the cell goes beyond the limit, a page break is done before outputting.
- getCellHeightRatio
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getCellHeightRatio()
- GetCharWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetCharWidth()
Returns the length of the char in user unit for the current font.
- getFontSize
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getFontSize()
Returns the current font size.
- getFontSizePt
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getFontSizePt()
Returns the current font size in points unit.
- getFontsList
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getFontsList()
Fill the list of available fonts ($this->fontlist).
- getFooterFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getFooterFont()
Get Footer font.
- getFooterMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getFooterMargin()
Returns footer margin in user units.
- getGroupPageNo
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getGroupPageNo()
- getHeaderData
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getHeaderData()
Returns header data:
- getHeaderFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getHeaderFont()
Get header font.
- getHeaderMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getHeaderMargin()
Returns header margin in user units.
- getHtmlDomArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getHtmlDomArray()
Returns the HTML DOM array.
- getImageRBX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getImageRBX()
Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner X coordinate of last inserted image
- getImageRBY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getImageRBY()
Return the right-bottom (or left-bottom for RTL) corner Y coordinate of last inserted image
- getImageScale
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getImageScale()
Returns the image scale.
- getLastH
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getLastH()
Get the last cell height.
- GetLineWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetLineWidth()
Returns the current the line width.
- getMargins
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getMargins()
Returns an array containing current margins:
- GetNumChars
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetNumChars()
Returns the numbero of characters in a string.
- getNumPages
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getNumPages()
Get the total number of insered pages.
- getOriginalMargins
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getOriginalMargins()
Returns an array containing original margins:
- getPage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getPage()
Get current document page number.
- getPageGroupAlias
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getPageGroupAlias()
- getPageHeight
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getPageHeight()
Returns the page height in units.
- getPageWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getPageWidth()
Returns the page width in units.
- getPDFData
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getPDFData()
Returns the PDF data.
- getRemainingWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getRemainingWidth()
Returns the remaining width between the current position and margins.
- getRTL
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getRTL()
Return the RTL status
- getScaleFactor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::getScaleFactor()
Returns the scale factor (number of points in user unit).
- GetStringWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetStringWidth()
Returns the length of a string in user unit. A font must be selected.
- GetX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetX()
Returns the relative X value of current position.
- GetY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::GetY()
Returns the ordinate of the current position.
- Gradient
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Gradient()
Output gradient.
- $h
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$h
- $header_font
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_font
- $header_logo
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_logo
- $header_logo_width
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_logo_width
- $header_margin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_margin
- $header_string
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_string
- $header_title
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$header_title
- $hPt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$hPt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$HREF
- $htmlvspace
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$htmlvspace
Count the latest inserted vertical spaces on HTML.
- Header
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Header()
This method is used to render the page header.
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant HEAD_MAGNIFICATION
magnification factor for titles
- htmlcolors.php
- procedural page htmlcolors.php
- $images
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$images
- $imgscale
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$imgscale
- $img_rb_x
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$img_rb_x
- $img_rb_y
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$img_rb_y
- $InFooter
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$InFooter
- $internal_encoding
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$internal_encoding
- $intmrk
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$intmrk
Array used to store positions inside the pages buffer.
- $isunicode
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$isunicode
- Image
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Image()
Puts an image in the page.
- ImageEps
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ImageEps()
Embed vector-based Adobe Illustrator (AI) or AI-compatible EPS files.
- IncludeJS
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::IncludeJS()
- $k
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$k
- $keywords
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$keywords
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_BLANK_IMAGE
blank image
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO
height of cell repect font height
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_LRE
Left-to-Right Embedding
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_LRM
Left-to-Right Mark
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_LRO
Left-to-Right Override
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_CACHE
cache directory for temporary files (full path)
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_FONTS
path for PDF fonts
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_IMAGES
images directory
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_MAIN
Installation path (/var/www/tcpdf/).
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_URL
URL path to tcpdf installation folder (http://localhost/tcpdf/).
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_PATH_URL_CACHE
cache directory for temporary files (url path)
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_PDF
Pop Directional Format
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_RE_PATTERN_ARABIC
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_RE_PATTERN_RTL
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_RLE
Right-to-Left Embedding
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_RLM
Right-to-Left Mark
- in file unicode_data.php, constant K_RLO
Right-to-Left Override
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_SMALL_RATIO
reduction factor for small font
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant K_TITLE_MAGNIFICATION
title magnification respect main font size
- $l
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$l
- $lasth
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$lasth
- $last_rc4_key
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$last_rc4_key
last RC4 key encrypted (cached for optimisation)
- $last_rc4_key_c
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$last_rc4_key_c
last RC4 computed key
- $LayoutMode
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$LayoutMode
- $linestyleCap
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$linestyleCap
PDF string for last line width
- $linestyleDash
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$linestyleDash
PDF string for last line width
- $linestyleJoin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$linestyleJoin
PDF string for last line width
- $linestyleWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$linestyleWidth
PDF string for last line width
- $linethrough
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$linethrough
line trough state
- $LineWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$LineWidth
- $links
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$links
- $lispacer
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$lispacer
- $listcount
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$listcount
- $listindent
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$listindent
- $listnum
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$listnum
- $listordered
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$listordered
- $lisymbol
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$lisymbol
Symbol used for HTML unordered list items
- $lMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$lMargin
- lastPage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::lastPage()
Reset pointer to the last document page.
- Line
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Line()
Draws a line between two points.
- LinearGradient
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::LinearGradient()
Paints a linear colour gradient.
- Link
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Link()
Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page.
- ListBox
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ListBox()
- Ln
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Ln()
Performs a line break.
- MirrorH
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::MirrorH()
Horizontal Mirroring.
- MirrorL
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::MirrorL()
Reflection against a straight line through point (x, y) with the gradient angle (angle).
- MirrorP
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::MirrorP()
Point reflection mirroring.
- MirrorV
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::MirrorV()
Verical Mirroring.
- MultiCell
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::MultiCell()
This method allows printing text with line breaks.
- $offsets
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$offsets
- $oldcMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$oldcMargin
- $openMarkedContent
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$openMarkedContent
True if marked-content sequence is open
- $original_lMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$original_lMargin
- $original_rMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$original_rMargin
- $OutlineRoot
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$OutlineRoot
Outline root for bookmark
- $outlines
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$outlines
Outlines for bookmark
- $Ovalue
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$Ovalue
O entry in pdf document
- Open
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Open()
This method begins the generation of the PDF document. It is not necessary to call it explicitly because AddPage() does it automatically.
- openHTMLTagHandler
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::openHTMLTagHandler()
Process opening tags.
- Output
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Output()
Send the document to a given destination: string, local file or browser.
- $padding
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$padding
RC4 padding
- $page
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$page
- $PageAnnots
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$PageAnnots
- $PageBreakTrigger
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$PageBreakTrigger
- $pagedim
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$pagedim
- $pagegroups
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$pagegroups
Contains the number of pages of the groups
- $PageMode
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$PageMode
A name object specifying how the document should be displayed when opened.
- $pages
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$pages
- $PDFVersion
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$PDFVersion
- $print_footer
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$print_footer
- $print_header
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$print_header
- $Pvalue
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$Pvalue
P entry in pdf document
- PageNo
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::PageNo()
Returns the current page number.
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_AUTHOR
document author
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_CREATOR
document creator
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA
data font name
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN
main font name
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA
data font size
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN
main font size
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_HEADER_LOGO
image logo
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH
header logo image width [mm]
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_HEADER_STRING
header description string
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_HEADER_TITLE
header title
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO
Ratio used to scale the images
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM
bottom margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER
footer margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_HEADER
header margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_LEFT
left margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT
right margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_MARGIN_TOP
top margin
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_PAGE_FORMAT
page format
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION
page orientation (P=portrait, L=landscape)
- in file tcpdf.php, constant PDF_PRODUCER
define default PDF document producer
- in file tcpdf_config.php, constant PDF_UNIT
document unit of measure [pt=point, mm=millimeter, cm=centimeter, in=inch]
- PieSector
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::PieSector()
Draw the sector of a circle.
- pixelsToUnits
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::pixelsToUnits()
Converts pixels to Units.
- Polycurve
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Polycurve()
Draws a poly-Bezier curve.
- Polygon
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Polygon()
Draws a polygon.
- $spot_colors
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$spot_colors
Array of Spot colors
- $state
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$state
- $subject
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$subject
- Scale
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Scale()
Vertical and horizontal non-proportional Scaling.
- ScaleX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ScaleX()
Horizontal Scaling.
- ScaleXY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ScaleXY()
Vertical and horizontal proportional Scaling.
- ScaleY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::ScaleY()
Vertical Scaling.
- setAlpha
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setAlpha()
- SetAuthor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetAuthor()
Defines the author of the document.
- SetAutoPageBreak
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetAutoPageBreak()
Enables or disables the automatic page breaking mode. When enabling, the second parameter is the distance from the bottom of the page that defines the triggering limit. By default, the mode is on and the margin is 2 cm.
- setBarcode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setBarcode()
Set document barcode.
- setBarcode
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::setBarcode()
Set the barcode.
- setCellHeightRatio
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setCellHeightRatio()
- SetCellPadding
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetCellPadding()
Set the internal Cell padding.
- SetCompression
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetCompression()
Activates or deactivates page compression. When activated, the internal representation of each page is compressed, which leads to a compression ratio of about 2 for the resulting document. Compression is on by default.
- SetCreator
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetCreator()
Defines the creator of the document. This is typically the name of the application that generates the PDF.
- setDefaultTableColumns
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setDefaultTableColumns()
- SetDisplayMode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetDisplayMode()
Defines the way the document is to be displayed by the viewer.
- SetDrawColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetDrawColor()
Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders). It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
- SetDrawColorArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetDrawColorArray()
Defines the color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders).
- SetDrawSpotColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetDrawSpotColor()
Defines the spot color used for all drawing operations (lines, rectangles and cell borders).
- setExtGState
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setExtGState()
- SetFillColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetFillColor()
Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds). It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
- SetFillColorArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetFillColorArray()
Defines the color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds).
- SetFillSpotColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetFillSpotColor()
Defines the spot color used for all filling operations (filled rectangles and cell backgrounds).
- SetFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetFont()
Sets the font used to print character strings.
- SetFontSize
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetFontSize()
Defines the size of the current font.
- setFooter
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setFooter()
This method is used to render the page footer.
- setFooterFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setFooterFont()
Set footer font.
- setFooterMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setFooterMargin()
Set footer margin.
- setHeader
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setHeader()
This method is used to render the page header.
- setHeaderData
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setHeaderData()
Set header data.
- setHeaderFont
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setHeaderFont()
Set header font.
- setHeaderMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setHeaderMargin()
Set header margin.
- setImageScale
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setImageScale()
Set the image scale.
- setJPEGQuality
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setJPEGQuality()
- SetKeywords
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetKeywords()
Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'.
- setLanguageArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setLanguageArray()
Set language array.
- setLastH
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setLastH()
Set the last cell height.
- SetLeftMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetLeftMargin()
Defines the left margin. The method can be called before creating the first page. If the current abscissa gets out of page, it is brought back to the margin.
- SetLineStyle
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetLineStyle()
Set line style.
- SetLineWidth
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetLineWidth()
Defines the line width. By default, the value equals 0.2 mm. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
- SetLink
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetLink()
Defines the page and position a link points to.
- setLIsymbol
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setLIsymbol()
Set the character or string to be used as LI item symbol on UL lists.
- SetMargins
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetMargins()
Defines the left, top and right margins. By default, they equal 1 cm. Call this method to change them.
- setPage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPage()
Move pointer at the specified document page and update page dimensions.
- setPageFormat
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPageFormat()
Set the page format
- setPageMark
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPageMark()
Set start-writing mark on current page for multicell borders and fills.
- setPageOrientation
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPageOrientation()
Set page orientation.
- setPageUnit
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPageUnit()
Set the units of measure for the document.
- setPDFVersion
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPDFVersion()
- setPrintFooter
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPrintFooter()
Set a flag to print page footer.
- setPrintHeader
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setPrintHeader()
Set a flag to print page header.
- SetProtection
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetProtection()
Set document protection
- SetRightMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetRightMargin()
Defines the right margin. The method can be called before creating the first page.
- setRTL
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setRTL()
Enable or disable Right-To-Left language mode
- SetSubject
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetSubject()
Defines the subject of the document.
- setTempRTL
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setTempRTL()
Force temporary RTL language direction
- SetTextColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetTextColor()
Defines the color used for text. It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale. The method can be called before the first page is created and the value is retained from page to page.
- SetTextColorArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetTextColorArray()
Defines the color used for text. It can be expressed in RGB components or gray scale.
- SetTextSpotColor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetTextSpotColor()
Defines the spot color used for text.
- SetTitle
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetTitle()
Defines the title of the document.
- SetTopMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetTopMargin()
Defines the top margin. The method can be called before creating the first page.
- setUserRights
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setUserRights()
- setViewerPreferences
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setViewerPreferences()
- setVisibility
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::setVisibility()
- SetX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetX()
Defines the abscissa of the current position.
- SetXY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetXY()
Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position.
- SetY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SetY()
Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin and sets the ordinate.
- Skew
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Skew()
- SkewX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SkewX()
Skew horizontally.
- SkewY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::SkewY()
Skew vertically.
- StarPolygon
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::StarPolygon()
Draws a star polygon
- startPageGroup
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::startPageGroup()
- StartTransform
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::StartTransform()
Starts a 2D tranformation saving current graphic state.
- StopTransform
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::StopTransform()
Stops a 2D tranformation restoring previous graphic state.
- $tempfontsize
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$tempfontsize
- $TextColor
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$TextColor
- $title
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$title
- $tMargin
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$tMargin
- $tmprtl
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$tmprtl
- tcpdf_config.php
- procedural page tcpdf_config.php
- in file tcpdf.php, class TCPDF
This is a PHP class for generating PDF documents without requiring external extensions.
- tcpdf.php
- procedural page tcpdf.php
- TCPDFBarcode
- in file barcodes.php, class TCPDFBarcode
PHP class to creates array representations for common 1D barcodes to be used with TCPDF (
- Text
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Text()
Prints a character string. The origin is on the left of the first charcter, on the baseline. This method allows to place a string precisely on the page, but it is usually easier to use Cell(), MultiCell() or Write() which are the standard methods to print text.
- TextField
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::TextField()
- Transform
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Transform()
Apply graphic transformations.
- Translate
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Translate()
Translate graphic object horizontally and vertically.
- TranslateX
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::TranslateX()
Translate graphic object horizontally.
- TranslateY
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::TranslateY()
Translate graphic object vertically.
- $underline
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$underline
- $ur
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ur
If true enables user's rights on PDF reader
- $ur_annots
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ur_annots
Names specifying additional annotation-related usage rights for the document.
- $ur_document
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ur_document
Names specifying additional document-wide usage rights for the document.
- $ur_form
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ur_form
Names specifying additional form-field-related usage rights for the document.
- $ur_signature
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ur_signature
Names specifying additional signature-related usage rights for the document.
- $Uvalue
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$Uvalue
U entry in pdf document
- unhtmlentities
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::unhtmlentities()
Reverse function for htmlentities.
- unichr
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::unichr()
Returns the unicode caracter specified by UTF-8 code
- unicode_data.php
- procedural page unicode_data.php
- UTF8ArrSubString
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::UTF8ArrSubString()
Extract a slice of the $strarr array and return it as string.
- utf8Bidi
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::utf8Bidi()
Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm (
- UTF8StringToArray
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::UTF8StringToArray()
Converts UTF-8 strings to codepoints array.
- utf8StrRev
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::utf8StrRev()
Reverse the RLT substrings using the Bidirectional Algorithm (
- UTF8ToLatin1
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::UTF8ToLatin1()
Converts UTF-8 strings to Latin1 when using the standard 14 core fonts.
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::UTF8ToUTF16BE()
Converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-BE.
- $viewer_preferences
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$viewer_preferences
PDF viewer preferences.
- $visibility
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$visibility
Restrict the rendering of some elements to screen or printout.
- $w
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$w
- $wPt
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$wPt
- $ws
- in file tcpdf.php, variable TCPDF::$ws
- Write
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::Write()
This method prints text from the current position.
- write1DBarcode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::write1DBarcode()
Print Barcode.
- writeBarcode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::writeBarcode()
This function is DEPRECATED, please use the new write1DBarcode() function.
- writeHTML
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::writeHTML()
Allows to preserve some HTML formatting (limited support). IMPORTANT: The HTML must be well formatted - try to clean-up it using an application like HTML-Tidy before submitting.
- writeHTMLCell
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::writeHTMLCell()
Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and html text string.
- _addfield
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_addfield()
- _beginpage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_beginpage()
Initialize a new page.
- _datestring
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_datestring()
Format a date string for meta information
- _dochecks
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_dochecks()
Check for locale-related bug
- _dolinethrough
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_dolinethrough()
Line through text.
- _dounderline
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_dounderline()
Underline text.
- _enddoc
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_enddoc()
Output end of document (EOF).
- _endpage
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_endpage()
Mark end of page.
- _escape
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_escape()
Add "\" before "\", "(" and ")"
- _escapetext
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_escapetext()
Format a text string
- _freadint
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_freadint()
Read a 4-byte integer from file.
- _generateencryptionkey
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_generateencryptionkey()
Compute encryption key
- _getfontpath
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_getfontpath()
Return fonts path
- _JScolor
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_JScolor()
- _md5_16
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_md5_16()
Encrypts a string using MD5 and returns it's value as a binary string.
- _newobj
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_newobj()
Begin a new object.
- _objectkey
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_objectkey()
Compute encryption key depending on object number where the encrypted data is stored
- _out
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_out()
Output a string to the document.
- _outarc
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_outarc()
Output an arc
- _outCurve
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_outCurve()
- _outLine
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_outLine()
- _outPoint
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_outPoint()
- _outRect
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_outRect()
Draws a rectangle.
- _Ovalue
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_Ovalue()
Compute O value (used for RC4 encryption)
- _parsejpeg
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_parsejpeg()
Extract info from a JPEG file without using the GD library.
- _parsepng
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_parsepng()
Extract info from a PNG file without using the GD library.
- _putannots
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putannots()
Output Page Annotations.
- _putbookmarks
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putbookmarks()
- _putcatalog
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putcatalog()
Output Catalog.
- _putcidfont0
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putcidfont0()
Output CID-0 fonts.
- _putencryption
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putencryption()
Put encryption on PDF document.
- _putextgstates
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putextgstates()
- _putfonts
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putfonts()
Output fonts.
- _putheader
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putheader()
Output PDF header.
- _putimages
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putimages()
Output images.
- _putinfo
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putinfo()
Adds some Metadata information
- _putjavascript
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putjavascript()
- _putocg
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putocg()
- _putpages
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putpages()
Output pages.
- _putresourcedict
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putresourcedict()
Output Resources Dictionary.
- _putresources
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putresources()
Output Resources.
- _putshaders
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putshaders()
Output shaders.
- _putspotcolors
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putspotcolors()
Output Spot Colors Resources.
- _putstream
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putstream()
Output a stream.
- _puttrailer
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_puttrailer()
Output trailer.
- _puttruetypeunicode
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_puttruetypeunicode()
Adds unicode fonts.
- _putuserrights
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putuserrights()
- _putviewerpreferences
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putviewerpreferences()
Output viewer preferences.
- _putxobjectdict
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_putxobjectdict()
Output object dictionary for images.
- _RC4
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_RC4()
Returns the input text exrypted using RC4 algorithm and the specified key.
- _textstring
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_textstring()
Format a text string for meta information
- _toJPEG
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_toJPEG()
Convert the loaded php image to a JPEG and then return a structure for the PDF creator.
- _uristring
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_uristring()
Format an URI string
- _Uvalue
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::_Uvalue()
Compute U value (used for RC4 encryption)
- __construct
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::__construct()
This is the class constructor.
- __construct
- in file barcodes.php, method TCPDFBarcode::__construct()
This is the class constructor.
- __destruct
- in file tcpdf.php, method TCPDF::__destruct()
Default destructor.