01/04/2021 00:37:07 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_c_aero_carga
METODO: ConsultaTarifaAplicadaDocCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 8: WHERE f.id_cotped = ''; ^ Whole query: SELECT f.itinerario, f.itinerario AS aero_ruta, car.* FROM cxc_aero_doc_carga car INNER JOIN cxc_cotiza_pedidos f ON f.id_cotped = car.id_doc_carga AND f.codproc = car.tipdoc_carga WHERE f.id_cotped = ''; 01/04/2021 00:37:07 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:37:07 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_c_aero_carga
METODO: ConsultaDtCargaInternacionalCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 50: AND f.id_cotped = '' ^ Whole query: SELECT a.id_aero_apl AS id_aero_apl, a.tipo_apl AS tipo_apl, a.denapl AS denapl, a.codpai AS codpai, a.itinerario AS itinerario, dt.renglon AS order_dt_apl, dt.id_tipodetalle AS tipo_dt_apl, coddetalle AS cod_dt_apl, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_calculo, f.codmon AS codmon_apl, dt.monref1 AS monto_apl, dt.valor_ref1 AS valor_ref1, '' AS valor_ref2, '' AS valor_ref3, '' AS valor_ref4, s.codser AS coddetalle, 'SERVI' AS id_tipodetalle, s.denser AS dendetalle, s.codunimed, s.codtipser AS codtipo, ts.dentipser AS dentipo, preser AS precio_detalle, codmonserv AS codmontarifa, COALESCE(( SELECT SUM(porcar) FROM sigesp_cargos sc INNER JOIN soc_serviciocargo cs ON ( cs.codcar = sc.codcar AND cs.codemp = sc.codemp AND cs.codser = s.codser ) ),0) AS porciva, procformapl, ordenformapl, denitemformapl, '' AS conc_orgtasa, '' AS conc_tiptasacarga, s.tiposervflete AS tiposervflete, s.formula_serv AS formula_detalle, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_renglon, s.aero_charges_due, s.aero_code AS aero_code, dt.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos f INNER JOIN cxc_dt_cotiza_pedidos dt ON dt.id_cotped = f.id_cotped INNER JOIN cxc_aero_aplicables a ON a.id_aero_apl = f.id_aero_apl INNER JOIN soc_servicios s ON s.codser=dt.coddetalle AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'SERVI' LEFT JOIN soc_tiposervicio ts ON s.codtipser=ts.codtipser LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida ums ON ums.codunimed = s.codunimed WHERE procformapl='FLETE_CARGA_INT' AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'SERVI' AND f.id_cotped = '' AND f.codproc = '' UNION SELECT a.id_aero_apl AS id_aero_apl, a.tipo_apl AS tipo_apl, a.denapl AS denapl, a.codpai AS codpai, a.itinerario AS itinerario, dt.renglon AS order_dt_apl, dt.id_tipodetalle AS tipo_dt_apl, coddetalle AS cod_dt_apl, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_calculo, f.codmon AS codmon_apl, dt.monref1 AS monto_apl, dt.valor_ref1 AS valor_ref1, '' AS valor_ref2, '' AS valor_ref3, '' AS valor_ref4, c.codconfac AS coddetalle, 'CONCE' AS id_tipodetalle, c.denconfac AS dendetalle, c.codunimed, tc.codtipcon AS codtipo, tc.dentipcon AS dentipo, preconfac AS precio_detalle, codmonconc AS codmontarifa, 0 AS porciva, procformapl, ordenformapl, denitemformapl, conc_orgtasa, conc_tiptasacarga, '' AS tiposervflete, c.formula_concep AS formula_detalle, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_renglon, '' AS aero_charges_due, c.aero_code_concep AS aero_code, dt.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos f INNER JOIN cxc_dt_cotiza_pedidos dt ON dt.id_cotped = f.id_cotped INNER JOIN cxc_aero_aplicables a ON a.id_aero_apl = f.id_aero_apl LEFT JOIN cxc_conceptofac c ON c.codconfac = dt.coddetalle AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'CONCE' LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida umc ON umc.codunimed = c.codunimed INNER JOIN cxc_tipo_concepfac tc ON tc.codemp = c.codemp AND tc.codtipcon = c.codtipcon WHERE procformapl='FLETE_CARGA_INT' AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'CONCE' AND f.id_cotped = '' AND f.codproc = '' ORDER BY ordenformapl; 01/04/2021 00:39:26 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_c_aero_carga
METODO: ConsultaTarifaAplicadaDocCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 8: WHERE f.id_cotped = ''; ^ Whole query: SELECT f.itinerario, f.itinerario AS aero_ruta, car.* FROM cxc_aero_doc_carga car INNER JOIN cxc_cotiza_pedidos f ON f.id_cotped = car.id_doc_carga AND f.codproc = car.tipdoc_carga WHERE f.id_cotped = ''; 01/04/2021 00:39:26 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:39:26 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_c_aero_carga
METODO: ConsultaDtCargaInternacionalCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "" LINE 50: AND f.id_cotped = '' ^ Whole query: SELECT a.id_aero_apl AS id_aero_apl, a.tipo_apl AS tipo_apl, a.denapl AS denapl, a.codpai AS codpai, a.itinerario AS itinerario, dt.renglon AS order_dt_apl, dt.id_tipodetalle AS tipo_dt_apl, coddetalle AS cod_dt_apl, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_calculo, f.codmon AS codmon_apl, dt.monref1 AS monto_apl, dt.valor_ref1 AS valor_ref1, '' AS valor_ref2, '' AS valor_ref3, '' AS valor_ref4, s.codser AS coddetalle, 'SERVI' AS id_tipodetalle, s.denser AS dendetalle, s.codunimed, s.codtipser AS codtipo, ts.dentipser AS dentipo, preser AS precio_detalle, codmonserv AS codmontarifa, COALESCE(( SELECT SUM(porcar) FROM sigesp_cargos sc INNER JOIN soc_serviciocargo cs ON ( cs.codcar = sc.codcar AND cs.codemp = sc.codemp AND cs.codser = s.codser ) ),0) AS porciva, procformapl, ordenformapl, denitemformapl, '' AS conc_orgtasa, '' AS conc_tiptasacarga, s.tiposervflete AS tiposervflete, s.formula_serv AS formula_detalle, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_renglon, s.aero_charges_due, s.aero_code AS aero_code, dt.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos f INNER JOIN cxc_dt_cotiza_pedidos dt ON dt.id_cotped = f.id_cotped INNER JOIN cxc_aero_aplicables a ON a.id_aero_apl = f.id_aero_apl INNER JOIN soc_servicios s ON s.codser=dt.coddetalle AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'SERVI' LEFT JOIN soc_tiposervicio ts ON s.codtipser=ts.codtipser LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida ums ON ums.codunimed = s.codunimed WHERE procformapl='FLETE_CARGA_INT' AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'SERVI' AND f.id_cotped = '' AND f.codproc = '' UNION SELECT a.id_aero_apl AS id_aero_apl, a.tipo_apl AS tipo_apl, a.denapl AS denapl, a.codpai AS codpai, a.itinerario AS itinerario, dt.renglon AS order_dt_apl, dt.id_tipodetalle AS tipo_dt_apl, coddetalle AS cod_dt_apl, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_calculo, f.codmon AS codmon_apl, dt.monref1 AS monto_apl, dt.valor_ref1 AS valor_ref1, '' AS valor_ref2, '' AS valor_ref3, '' AS valor_ref4, c.codconfac AS coddetalle, 'CONCE' AS id_tipodetalle, c.denconfac AS dendetalle, c.codunimed, tc.codtipcon AS codtipo, tc.dentipcon AS dentipo, preconfac AS precio_detalle, codmonconc AS codmontarifa, 0 AS porciva, procformapl, ordenformapl, denitemformapl, conc_orgtasa, conc_tiptasacarga, '' AS tiposervflete, c.formula_concep AS formula_detalle, dt.formula_renglon AS formula_renglon, '' AS aero_charges_due, c.aero_code_concep AS aero_code, dt.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos f INNER JOIN cxc_dt_cotiza_pedidos dt ON dt.id_cotped = f.id_cotped INNER JOIN cxc_aero_aplicables a ON a.id_aero_apl = f.id_aero_apl LEFT JOIN cxc_conceptofac c ON c.codconfac = dt.coddetalle AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'CONCE' LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida umc ON umc.codunimed = c.codunimed INNER JOIN cxc_tipo_concepfac tc ON tc.codemp = c.codemp AND tc.codtipcon = c.codtipcon WHERE procformapl='FLETE_CARGA_INT' AND dt.id_tipodetalle = 'CONCE' AND f.id_cotped = '' AND f.codproc = '' ORDER BY ordenformapl; 01/04/2021 00:42:00 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:45:03 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:46:07 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:50:50 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 00:57:18 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaDtAeroCargaCotPed
Invalid query: ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying LINE 4: ... LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtip... ^ HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Whole query: SELECT c.*,tc.*,u.* FROM cxc_cotiza_pedidos_dt_carga c LEFT JOIN cxc_tipo_carga tc ON tc.codtipcarga = c.codtipcarga LEFT JOIN siv_unidadmedida u ON u.codunimed = c.unicarga WHERE c.desccarga ILIKE'%%' AND c.id_cotped = '1459' ORDER BY c.rengloncarga 01/04/2021 19:13:58 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR *****
CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: insertar_facturaInvalid query: ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions LINE 60: usureg, ^ Whole query: SELECT reset_sequencia('cxc_factura','id_fact'); INSERT INTO cxc_factura( codemp, tipopeneg, numfact, codproceso, numcont, codfact, id_cliente, id_transp, id_estfact, id_condpago, id_vend, codmon, tascam, tipopecont, codsuc, codcaj, fecfact, fecvenc, porcdesc, montodesc, saldo, subtot, iva, otros, total, baseimp, descripfact, comentadifact, procefac, codunieje, codestpro1, codestpro2, codestpro3, codestpro4, codestpro5, estcla, devengado, cobrado, cxchist, id_cliente_doc, codsuccli, noafecfact, codseriefac, aero_matricula, aero_codequip, aero_vuelo, aero_aperturacompuerta, aero_cierrecompuerta, itinerario, condflete, contenido, canpaqcarga, peso_bruto_carga, peso_volumen_carga, peso_cobrar_carga, tarifa_carga, monflete_carga,tipo_tarifa,id_aero_apl, consignom, consigdir, consigciu, consigrif, consigtel, fecreg, usureg, horareg ) VALUES ('0001','AERO_CARGA_INTER','14946','FACTURA','','014946','10538','1','1','9','1','USD','1084350.92','DEV','001','001','2021-04-01','2021-04-01','0.00','0','0','287352993.8','29494345.02','0','316847338.82','281931239.2','','','CXCFAC','----------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-','1','0','0','0','','0','A','','','5566','00:00:00','00:00:00','SDQ-CCS','COLL','','0','100','144','144','1.25','0','','','','','','2021-04-01','ADMINISTRADOR','19:13'); ; SELECT lastval() AS valor_id; 01/04/2021 19:15:15 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR *****
CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: insertar_facturaInvalid query: ERROR: INSERT has more target columns than expressions LINE 60: usureg, ^ Whole query: SELECT reset_sequencia('cxc_factura','id_fact'); INSERT INTO cxc_factura( codemp, tipopeneg, numfact, codproceso, numcont, codfact, id_cliente, id_transp, id_estfact, id_condpago, id_vend, codmon, tascam, tipopecont, codsuc, codcaj, fecfact, fecvenc, porcdesc, montodesc, saldo, subtot, iva, otros, total, baseimp, descripfact, comentadifact, procefac, codunieje, codestpro1, codestpro2, codestpro3, codestpro4, codestpro5, estcla, devengado, cobrado, cxchist, id_cliente_doc, codsuccli, noafecfact, codseriefac, aero_matricula, aero_codequip, aero_vuelo, aero_aperturacompuerta, aero_cierrecompuerta, itinerario, condflete, contenido, canpaqcarga, peso_bruto_carga, peso_volumen_carga, peso_cobrar_carga, tarifa_carga, monflete_carga,tipo_tarifa,id_aero_apl, consignom, consigdir, consigciu, consigrif, consigtel, fecreg, usureg, horareg ) VALUES ('0001','AERO_CARGA_INTER','14946','FACTURA','','014946','10538','1','1','9','1','USD','1084350.92','DEV','001','001','2021-04-01','2021-04-01','0.00','0','0','287352993.8','29494345.02','0','316847338.82','281931239.2','','','CXCFAC','----------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-------------------------','-','1','0','0','0','','0','A','','','5566','00:00:00','00:00:00','SDQ-CCS','COLL','','0','100','144','144','1.25','0','','','','','','2021-04-01','ADMINISTRADOR','19:15'); ; SELECT lastval() AS valor_id; 01/04/2021 21:34:58 ***** ERROR DE SISTEMA: ***** ADMINISTRADOR ***** CLASE: covensol_cxc_cuentasxcobrar
METODO: ConsultaCovensolTipoOperacionNegocio
Invalid query: ERROR: relation "covensol_tipo_operacion_negocio" does not exist LINE 2: FROM covensol_tipo_operacion_negocio ^ Whole query: SELECT * FROM covensol_tipo_operacion_negocio